Hick's Law: A Timeless Guide for User Experience Design

Ever wondered how a psychological principle from the 1950s influences your Netflix browsing or Uber ride today? Journey with us through our in-depth guide on Hick's Law, a timeless tenet that has shaped UX design from the 90s to the digital landscape we navigate today. Learn how this enduring law has been used by giants like Netflix, Spotify, and Uber, and why it's more relevant than ever in creating engaging and efficient user experiences. With insights into its limitations and ongoing influence, this guide is an essential read for UX designers, researchers, software engineers, and product managers eager to harness the power of Hick's Law in their digital strategies.
Hicks Law - Samelogic

User experience (UX) design is as much an art as it is a science, guided by principles rooted in psychology and human behavior. One such principle that holds a pivotal role in the UX design world is Hick's Law. Named after the British psychologist William Edmund Hick, this rule has far-reaching implications in the realm of decision-making, extending its influence from the basic psychology laboratory to the highly complex landscape of modern digital interfaces.

The Basics of Hick's Law

Introduced by William Edmund Hick in the mid-1950s, Hick's Law, or the Hick-Hyman Law, states that the time it takes for an individual to make a decision is directly proportional to the number and complexity of choices. Simply put, the more options a person has, the longer it takes them to decide. Initially explored in the context of experimental psychology, the principles of Hick's Law quickly found their way into several disciplines, including economics, marketing, and, of course, user experience design.

Hick's Law Graph

Hick's Law and UX Design: A Look Back to the 90s

One cannot fully appreciate the modern applications of Hick's Law without glancing back at its roots in the digital landscape of the 1990s. Back then, internet technology was just finding its footing, and user interfaces were not as streamlined or user-friendly as today's designs. For a perfect illustration of this evolution, we turn to the transformation of digital mapping interfaces: from MapQuest to Google Maps.

In the 1990s, MapQuest was the go-to service for digital mapping and directions. It was one of the first platforms that allowed users to input an address and receive detailed driving directions. But the user interface was a far cry from the sleek designs we're accustomed to today. The options were numerous and often cluttered: users could plot a route, view different map styles, zoom in and out, print, email, or link to the map, and so on. The abundance of choices meant that users had to spend a significant amount of time deciding what to do, embodying Hick's Law principle that decision time increases with the number and complexity of choices.

Maps - Then and Now

Fast forward to the present day, and compare MapQuest's initial interface to the streamlined, minimalist design of Google Maps. Google Maps has simplified the user experience significantly. While still offering various features and functionalities, the design focuses on the most commonly used options, making the interface less overwhelming and more intuitive. This approach reduces the decision time for users, leading to a more efficient and pleasant experience. This evolution from MapQuest to Google Maps shows the practical application of Hick's Law in real-world design and how a mindful reduction in choices can enhance user satisfaction.

Through this comparison, we can observe the role of Hick's Law in guiding the shift towards simplicity and minimalism in UX design, underlining the timeless relevance of this psychological principle in shaping our digital experiences.

Unveiling the Influence of Hick's Law in Modern Day Applications

To fully grasp the influence of Hick's Law in today's digital age, it's essential to examine some of the world's most frequently used platforms. Netflix, Spotify, and Uber are not just industry leaders in their respective sectors; they also exemplify the successful integration of Hick's Law principles in their user interfaces.


Let's start with Netflix, the global streaming giant. Netflix offers its users a vast library of content spanning different genres, languages, and formats. Such an extensive selection could be overwhelming, leading to decision paralysis — a scenario Hick's Law warns us about. However, Netflix mitigates this through its smart use of categories, personalized recommendations, and an intuitive user interface. By segmenting content and suggesting titles based on users' past viewing habits, Netflix reduces the perceived number of choices, thereby decreasing decision time and enhancing the user experience.


Next, we turn our attention to Spotify, the music streaming platform. Spotify faces a challenge similar to Netflix - a massive library of songs and podcasts. Yet, Spotify's use of curated playlists, personalized daily mixes, and easy-to-navigate categories aligns with Hick's Law principles. By organizing content and predicting users' preferences, Spotify simplifies the decision-making process, contributing to a more enjoyable listening experience.


Finally, Uber, the ride-hailing app, presents another compelling case study. When a user wants to book a ride, they're not inundated with a flood of choices. Instead, they're given a simple set of options: where to, what type of ride, and any special requests. The uncomplicated and minimalist design of the app interface keeps decision time to a minimum, contributing to the platform's overall appeal and success.

Each of these platforms demonstrates how Hick's Law, a principle rooted in the mid-20th century, is still vitally relevant in the current digital era. By streamlining choices and designing intuitive interfaces, these platforms have harnessed Hick's Law to enhance user satisfaction and maintain a competitive edge in their respective markets. This ongoing influence of Hick's Law underscores its significance in shaping modern UX design.

Hick's Law and UX

Hick's Law serves as an essential beacon in the ever-evolving landscape of UX design. From its origins in the mid-20th century to its ongoing influence on digital titans like Netflix, Spotify, and Uber, this enduring principle has guided the shift towards simplicity and intuitiveness. It has shown us that while the allure of choice can be strong, a mindful curation of options leads to a smoother and more satisfying user experience. As we continue to innovate and create in the digital world, Hick's Law remains a timeless reminder of the value of balance and thoughtful design. So the next time you find yourself seamlessly navigating a digital platform, remember the invisible hand of Hick's Law that has guided your pleasant experience.

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