8 Reasons You Should Be Using Microsurveys

What product should you build next? How can you improve your product? These questions can be answered with microsurveys.
Samelogic | Reasons to Use Microsurveys

What product should you build next? How can you improve your product for customers? What features will make the most impact to your users? Believe it or not, these are all questions that can be answered with microsurveys. This blog post is about 8 reasons why microsurveys are an invaluable tool in product research and development.

Microsurveys vs. Long Surveys: Many product teams are under the impression that for product research, they need to conduct long surveys with lots of open-ended questions and Likert scales. The problem is these types of surveys don't produce actionable results - it's too much information at once without any context or guiding principles to help product teams determine the next step.

Microsurveys are different because they can be used to gather quick information about your product, customers or industry in a way that produces actionable results - no complicated math needed!

1. Microsurveys are fast and easy to complete

It's no secret that people are busy. No one has time to spend hours filling out long surveys - especially when they're not sure what the survey is even for! With microsurveys, you can quickly gather feedback from your target audience without taking up too much of their time.

2. Microsurveys are low-risk for respondents

When someone is asked to complete a long survey, there's always the risk that they won't have time or they'll get bored and stop participating. This isn't an issue with microsurveys - people are more likely to finish them because they're short and easy to do.

3. Microsurveys are affordable

Another reason microsurveys are so popular is because they're cost effective. You can gather feedback from a large number of people very quickly and for a fraction of the price of traditional market research.

4. Microsurveys are versatile

Microsurveys can be used for a variety of purposes, including product research, customer feedback, market research and more. This versatility makes them an essential tool for any product team.

5. Microsurveys produce actionable results

Because microsurveys are short and easy to complete, they produce actionable results that product teams can use to make decisions about product development. This is the key difference between microsurveys and long surveys - with microsurveys, you know exactly what you're getting because the questions are focused and relevant.

6. Microsurveys help product teams understand product-market fit

When product teams create a product that no one wants, it's often because they didn't gather enough information about their target customers before building the product. Product research can help you find out what your market needs and wants by asking them questions through microsurveys - this will allow for better product development in the future.

7. Product teams can use Microsurveys to test new product ideas

If you're not sure if a new product idea is worth pursuing, you can use a microsurvey to test it out. This is a great way to get feedback from your target audience without investing too much time or money into the project.

8. Product teams can use Microsurveys to track customer satisfaction over time

If you're looking to improve your product, it's important to track customer satisfaction over time. Microsurveys are the perfect tool for this because they allow you to gather feedback from a large number of people quickly and easily.

In summary, microsurveys are an invaluable tool in product research and development. They're fast, easy to complete, low-risk for respondents, affordable, versatile and produce actionable results. product teams should use microsurveys to gather feedback from their target audience about their product, customers or industry. Microsurveys are the best way to make product development decisions based on user needs.

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